Monday, August 20, 2007

Self-Assessment, 8/20/2007

I surveyed my last ten games to get an idea of how I'm playing. If you want something fun, read my other post, Anatomy of a Blitz Game, instead.   :)

1. Tactics - I average 1 tactical error per 23 moves--that's the main reason I had losses. In the last ten games I hung one pawn; I missed a mate-in-two, a mate-in-three, and couldn't find a defense against another mate-in-two. I missed one 3-ply tactic and two 5-ply tactics. I also miscalculated three capture-sequences.

On the plus side I didn't hang any pieces and didn't miss any simple tactics--ie, a pin, fork, skewer, or discovery. I guess I should do some mate-in-two and mate-in-three puzzles using PCT so I stop missing them and their defenses.

2. Endgames - How many close rook endings have I played this week? I played three and although entering them a pawn down, managed to score one win, one draw, and one loss. I'm happy with that. However, I faced a number of Rook & Minor Piece vs Rook & Minor Piece endings and realized I have absolutely no idea how to play them!

As I've said before, knowing endings doesn't only help you with the endgame. It also teaches you about pawn structures and piece power.

3. Openings - There are a few ways to assess your opening skill. I've lost 1/82 games in the opening, so tricks and traps are rarely a problem. As Black I feel solid and score 48% against 1.e4 and 72% against 1.d4. However, as White I only score 43%! I probably should spend some time trying to understand the positions that arise from my opening as White.

I also want to know the key ideas behind the Nimzo-Indian and Queen's Indian, which apparently I play well but have never studied.

Don't worry--my next post will be about endings again!

1 comment:

Glenn Wilson said...

A set of posts about openings that is really about endgames is:
because the Moron Defense is often accepted and that leads to a queenless middlegame in which the rooks are exchanged on the only open file and then viola!, you are playing an engame. Your opponent doesn't know that he got swindled.

I love endame tactics!