Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Bishop Endgames

I. Same-Color Bishop Endings

1. A two-pawn advantage is often decisive.
2. A one-pawn advantage often leads to a draw. The defending king steps in front of the pawn, on a square not controlled by the attacker's bishop.
3. Fix your pawns on squares that your bishop can't control.

I. Opposite-Color Bishop Endings

1. If the defending bishop can stop all the attacker's passed pawns, while remaining on a single diagonal, it's often a draw.
2. The attacker should fix their pawns on squares their bishop can't control.
3. The defender should fix their pawns on squares their bishop can control.

Does this seem oversimplified? Well, it is! I want to focus most of my energy on rook and pawn endings. Simple rules can guide me for the rest.

[Addendum: An opposite-color bishop ending with other pieces is not drawish at all. He who takes the initiative wins because it's like having an extra piece when attacking.]

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