I know I'm supposed to be studying, but I took a break last night to watch an entertaining battle between BlunderProne and Polly. The game and my commentary follow.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
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I love endings and helping others learn to play. I placed 5th in my section at the World Open, won a recent U1600 with a perfect score, and aim to one day be a chess master. :)
I'm Secretary of the Knights Errant.
Level 10: 94% (2/17)
Level 20:
Level 30:
Level 40:
Level 50:
Level 60:
Level 80:
Level 90:
Cool. Your opinion may differ but I think you might like the look of the viewer better on your blog if you pick the "Midnight" color theme....
Thanks, I switched it.
Wow, you are too kind! My play was abyssmal in the opening. I tend to wake up mid game sometimes too late.
I thought Polly would have been best to play Ke3 instead of the R-check. It would have forced me to go the the g-pawn while she cleaned up the q-side.
A fun game with entertaining and illuminating annotations (I like the point about BP's King move into the corner--little things like that are very helpful to see written out, as I rarely think about endgame type issues that early in the middlegame).
Very instructive annotations! You put in a lot of effort, thanks for that. Maybe we should pay you to become the official tournament annotator ;-)
chessaholic, I couldn't. If you guys gave me the $5 gift card, there would be nothing left for the winner. ;)
"I tend to wake up mid game sometimes too late." That's one up on me. I tend to wake up after the game!
bdk, glad you liked. :)
Thanks for the excellant annotations. You included a lot more detail then I did.
Nice annotations, I liked going through that game.
Very good annotations! I luv it.
There was one interesting position arising from this game.
Being the crazy player that I am, I am always looking for active counterplay and not afraid of razor-sharp positions. So I thought of:
Instead of 23.. Qe6, liquidating, I'll be more inclined to play 23. ... d4!
I feel Black must fight back for the initiative esp. with a queenside pawn majority. Given that White's king is slightly more vulnerable, it makes sense to keep the Queens on the board. Black must press now or risk being overrun by White.
Possible continuation:
23..... d4!
24. cxd4 Qxd4
25. Qxb5 Rab8!
26. Qa6 Rxb2! Black has a commanding position and a dream outpost for the rook on the 2nd rank, stopping any counterplay for the White King should more pieces get traded off. I would eval this as -/+.
Just my 2 cents.
This is excellent commentary. It can be really handy to have a third party give their views on a game.
There are multiple $5 gift cards if that's all it would take to get you as an official annotator. ;) (j/k, quite aware it would be a significant time investment)
"There are multiple $5 gift cards"
Woah. That is sooo tempting but I am on a diet right now and not allowed to eat at McDonald's. ;)
tanc, nice idea, I like it. I thought about d4 on subsequent moves but on move 23 it's also very strong.
That was a really fun game to be able to play through. I like watching two bloggers go at it instead of some random person. Gives the game personality! Thanks for posting it and your analysis.
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