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Loss: likesforests(1454P)-JonotheRed(1660)
1. c4 e5 2. Nc3 Nf6 3. Nf3 d6 4. e4 Nc6 5. g3 Bg4 6. Bg2 Be7 7. h3 Bxf3 8. Bxf3 a6 9. d3 h6 10. Bg2 Qd7 11. g4 Nd4 12. Be3 Nh7 13. Bxd4 exd4 14. Ne2 c5 15. Nf4 Nf6 16. Nd5 Nxd5 17. cxd5 Qb5 18. b3 Qb4+ 19. Qd2 Qxd2+ 20. Kxd2 Bg5+ 21. Ke2 Bf4 22. Kf3 Be5 23. Raf1 O-O-O 24. a4 f6 25. Rb1 Kb8 26. Rhc1 h5 27. b4 hxg4+ 28. hxg4 Rc8 29. b5 axb5 30. axb5 g5 31. Ra1 Kc7 32. Ra4 Ra8 33. Rca1 Rxa4 34. Rxa4 Kb6 35. Ra2 Kxb5 36. Rb2+ Ka6 37. Ra2+ Kb6 38. Rb2+ Kc7 39. Ra2 Rb8 40. Rb2 b5 41. Rb3 c4 42. dxc4 bxc4 43. Rxb8 Kxb8 44. Ke2 Ka7 45. Kd2 Ka6 46. Bf1 Kb5 47. Kc2 Kb4 48. f3 Bf4 49. Be2 Be3 50. Bf1 Kc5 51. Kb2 d3 52. Kc3 d2 53. Be2 Bf4 54. Bd1 Kb5 55. Be2 Ka4 56. Kc2 Kb4 57. Bd1 c3 58. Be2 Be5 59. Bd1 Kc4 60. Be2+ Kd4 61. Bd1 Ke3 62. Kb3 Kf2 63. Kc2 Ke1 64. Kb3 Kxd1 0-1
Tactics: Turn 31, let my opponent win my b-pawn. Endgames: Turn 55, threw away a drawn bishops of opposite colors endgame. I no longer accept draws. Zsuzsa Polgar told me, play on and learn!
Loss: maramures(1317)-likesforests(1545P)
1. e4 d5 2. exd5 Qxd5 3. Nc3 Qa5 4. a3 c6 5. b4 Qc7 6. Nf3 Nf6 7. d3 Bf5 8. h3 g6 9. Be2 Bg7 10. O-O Nd5 11. Nxd5 cxd5 12. Rb1 Nc6 13. Re1 Nd4 14. Nxd4 Bxd4 15. Bf3 e6 16. Bxd5 O-O 17. Bf3 Qb6 18. Be3 Bxe3 19. Rxe3 g5 20. c4 Rad8 21. c5 Qa6 22. a4 Rxd3 23. Rxd3 Bxd3 24. Bxb7 Qxb7 25. Qxd3 h6 26. b5 Qc8 27. c6 Rd8 28. Qc3 Rd5 29. Rc1 Qd8 30. c7 Rd1+ 31. Rxd1 Qxd1+ 32. Kh2 Qd6+ 33. g3 Qd7 34. c8=Q+ Qxc8 35. Qxc8+ Kg7 36. a5 f5 37. b6 axb6 38. axb6 e5 39. b7 e4 40. b8=Q f4 41. Qe5+ Kf7 42. Qce6+ Kf8 43. Q5f6# 1-0
Tactics: Turn 15, my opponent used a pin to win my central e-pawn. Turn 29, I miscalculated a last-ditch back rank assault, letting White queen and win even faster. If only I had kept the e-pawn.
Loss: hadz(1506)-likesforests(1430P)
1. d4 c5 2. d5 Nf6 3. c4 d6 4. Nf3 Nbd7 5. h3 Ne5 6. e3 b6 7. Nc3 Nxf3+ 8. Qxf3 g6 9. Bd3 Bg7 10. O-O e6 11. e4 O-O 12. Bg5 h6 13. Bh4 exd5 14. cxd5 a6 15. Rae1 Re8 16. a3 b5 17. b3 Rb8 18. a4 bxa4 19. bxa4 Rb3 20. Bc2 Ra3 21. g4 g5 22. Bg3 Qa5 23. Re3 Rxc3 24. Rxc3 Nxe4 25. Re3 f5 26. gxf5 Bxf5 27. Qxf5 Nxg3 28. Rxe8+ Bf8 29. Rxf8+ Kg7 30. Qf6# 1-0
Turn 22, I miscalculated the winning tactic. I knew it was there, but what order to captures the pieces? I rapidly lost afterwards. One shouldn't start a tactic, that one can't calculate to a win or equality.
Win: likesforests(1394P)-Excoriator(1449P)
1. c4 e5 2. Nc3 Nf6 3. Nf3 Bb4 4. Nxe5 d6 5. Qa4+ Nbd7 6. Nxd7 Bxd7 7. Qxb4 O-O 8. Qxb7 Bg4 9. e3 Rb8 10. Qxa7 Re8 11. Be2 Bf5 12. O-O Nd7 13. Qa4 Nc5 14. Qd1 Qg5 15. d4 Ne6 16. e4 Bh3 17. Bxg5 Nxg5 18. Bf3 Bd7 19. Bg4 Bxg4 20. Qxg4 h6 21. Rfe1 Rxb2 22. f4 Ne6 23. Rab1 Rd2 24. Re2 Rxd4 25. Reb2 Rxc4 26. Rb8 Rxb8 27. Rxb8+ Kh7 28. Nd5 Rc1+ 29. Kf2 Rc2+ 30. Ke1 Nd4 31. Nf6+ gxf6 32. Qg8# 1-0
Tactics: On turn 28, missed 28.Qf5+ g6 29.Qxf7+ Ng7 30.Qg8#. This was a silly game, but I needed an ego boost after my earlier losses. The knight sacrifice finish made for a pretty mate-in-two.
Win: Luffy(1271)-likesforests(1421P)
1. e4 d5 2. exd5 Qxd5 3. Nc3 Qa5 4. Nf3 Nf6 5. d4 c6 6. Bd2 Bf5 7. Ne4 Qb6 8. Nxf6+ gxf6 9. b3 Rg8 10. c4 Nd7 11. Be2 Rxg2 12. Nh4 Qxd4 13. Nxg2 Be4 14. O-O Bxg2 15. Kxg2 Qe4+ 16. Bf3 Qg6+ 17. Kh1 O-O-O 18. Rg1 Qd3 19. Be2 Qe4+ 20. Bf3 Qd3 21. Rc1 Ne5 22. Rg3 Qd4 23. Bg4+ Nxg4 24. Rxg4 Qxf2 25. Rg2 Qf5 26. Rc2 e6 27. Qe1 Bd6 28. Bc3 Bxh2 29. Rxh2 Qf3+ 30. Kg1 Rd1 31. Rhf2 Rxe1+ 32. Bxe1 Qg4+ 33. Rg2 Qd4+ 34. Bf2 Qd1+ 35. Kh2 Qxc2 36. Bxa7 Qe4 37. Rg8+ Kd7 38. Rg7 Qh4+ 39. Kg2 Qe4+ 40. Kg3 Qe1+ 41. Kg4 Qe2+ 42. Kf4 Qf1+ 43. Ke3 Qc1+ 44. Kd3 Qd1+ 45. Kc3 Qc1+ 46. Kb4 Qd2+ 47. Kc5 Qe3+ 48. Kb4 Qxa7 49. Rxf7+ Kd6 50. Rxh7 Ke5 51. Rh5+ f5 52. Rh2 f4 53. Re2+ Kf5 54. c5 e5 55. Kc4 Qb8 56. b4 Qg8+ 57. Kd3 Qd5+ 58. Kc3 Qd4+ 59. Kc2 f3 60. Rd2 Qe4+ 61. Rd3 Qe2+ 62. Rd2 Qxd2+ 63. Kxd2 e4 64. Ke1 Kg4 65. a4 Kg3 66. b5 f2+ 67. Kf1 e3 68. bxc6 Kf3 69. c7 e2# 0-1
An intense tactical battle. Tactics: I missed a fork, losing a rook?! Strategy: Sac'd B to eliminate his pawn wall and aim for Q v 2R. I was unstoppable after finding a plan. I will study knight forks tonight.
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
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